A Conferência Internacional INVTUR é um evento organizado pela Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal, desde 2010 e tornou-se numa das maiores conferências científicas na área do turismo a nível mundial. Ao longo dos anos, ganhou reputação como uma importante plataforma para a partilha de investigação de ponta e de ideias inovadoras na área do turismo.

A INVTUR tem como objetivo apresentar investigação de relevância que contribua para o debate e aponte novas abordagens e paradigmas emergentes no setor do turismo. Também pretende partilhar e aplicar o conhecimento científico na prática que afeta a transformação dos destinos. Todas as edições da INVTUR contam com a participação de palestrantes de renome internacional, os Keynote speakers, que partilham com a audiência conhecimento nas suas principais áreas de investigação. As melhores práticas de turismo são, ainda, apresentadas através de uma série de sessões paralelas e eventos especiais. Paralelamente à conferência, são realizadas discussões envolvendo académicos e representantes do setor empresarial e organizações públicas. No geral, os participantes têm a oportunidade de fortalecer parcerias ou estabelecer novos contactos, incluindo investigadores, profissionais do setor e entidades governamentais, através do diálogo e da partilha de conhecimento para uma melhoria do setor do turismo e da sociedade em geral. 


Published: 2024-12-31

Records sheet

Ana Maria Malta, Carlos Costa, Filipa Brandão, Margarida Cunha, Mariana Martins, Vítor Rodrigues, Zélia Breda

Evolution of ecotourism in Protected Areas in Brazil

Federal policies analysis from 2012 to 2022

Erika Sayuri Koga, Grislayne Guedes Lopes da Silva, Jordana de Souza Cavalcante, Sidnei Raimundo


Challenges of Hotel Management in Historic Buildings

Joana Alegria Quintela, Jorge Marques


Production and consumption of data in tourism: Towards assertive decision-making

Daniela Fantoni Alvares, Luciano Barcellos-Paula, Aline Castro-Rezende


Demand Trends on European Thermalism

Joana Alegria Quintela, Dália Liberato, Paulo Neto, Pedro Liberato, Filipa Brandão


Wine tourism with children

Rafaela Câmara Malerba, Elisabeth Kastenholz, Maria João Carneiro


Determinants of Consumers’ Acceptance of Robotic Restaurants: A Literature Review

Ana Catarina da Silva Monteiro, Suzanne Fonseca Amaro, Cristina Maria de Jesus Barroco


Study of motivations for thermal spa tourism

Luísa Augusto, Joaquim Antunes, Cristina Barroco


Mapping digital tools for assessing circular economy practices in restaurants

– An exploratory review

Henrique Camões, Alexandra Isabela Correia, Carla Melo, Cândida Silva, António Melo, Beatriz Maia


How to determine the tourism carrying capacity in a Thermal SPA?

Adriano Barreto Ramos, Joaquim Antunes, Elisa Alen Gonzalez


Governance of tourism destinations

Reflections on the contributions of the tourism observatories

Maria do Rosário Borges, Jaime Serra, Joana Lima, Noémi Marujo


Tourism considered as a factor of local development: The case of Fafe

Catarina Freitas Da Mota, José Luís Braga, Isabel Borges, Sandra Brás, Margarida Rodrigues


Proxemics and Historic Housing Tourism

José Luís Sousa Soares de Oliveira Braga, Catarina Mota, Margarida Rodrigues, Sandra Brás, Isabel Borges


Measuring island destination image

A review of attributes and dimensions determining perceived destination image

Andreia Nicole Pereira Carvalho, Maria João Carneiro, Elisabeth Kastenholz


Three styles of refunctionalization in Historic Housing Tourism

José Luís Sousa Soares de Oliveira Braga, Sandra Brás, Catarina Mota, Isabel Borges


The Pedra furada Restaurant on the Portuguese Way of Santiago

José Luís Sousa Soares de Oliveira Braga, Miguel Pereira, Miguel Pazos Otón


The benefits of community co-creation for saving destinations at risk

Monica Silva, Emese Panyik, Rui Raposo, Carla Pinto Cardoso


Business association as a necessary condition to tourism destination coopetition strategy

Adriana Fumi Chim-Miki, Rui Augusto da Costa, Fevzi Okumus


Population dynamics in Viseu Dão Lafões with mobile positioning data

Christian Carlos Souza Mendes, João da Silva Neto Araújo, João José Lourenço Marques


Participatory governance in religious tourism in Salvador

Adriana Melo Santos, Daniel Aguirre Campos, Adriana Vieira dos Santos, Maria Lúcia dos Santos, Ricardo Lanzarinni


The Perfect Mix: Teaching Bartending Skills through Job Shadowing and Interdisciplinarity

Sandra Vieira Vasconcelos, José António Silva, Bebiana Monteiro, Nelson Baptista


Local Policies for Sustainable Tourism: A Case Study from Lagos, Algarve, Portugal

Adão Flores, Pooyan Sedarati, Elsa Pereira, Joaquim Pinto Contreiras, Homayoun Golestaneh, Manuela Rosa


Enhancing Sustainability in Tourism: An Analysis of Sustainable Tourism Packages and Products

Adão Flores, Pooyan Sedarati, Elsa Pereira, Joaquim Pinto Contreiras


Environmentally friendly innovation in Tourism: A toolbox of policies to promote green transition

Joana Costa, Jin Chan, Adriana Fumi Chim-Miki, Rui Augusto da Costa


Managing outdoor tourism: Designing a quality index system

Goretti Silva, Susana Rachão, Alcina Nunes, Paula Odete Fernandes


Short-Term Licensing in Scotland: A policy murder is announced

Constantia Anastasiadou, Janice McMillan


What determines residents’ support of tourism development in rural wine regions? Evidence from Central Portugal

Elisabeth Kastenholz, Paulo Duarte, Maria João Carneiro, Celeste Eusébio


Portuguese nautical tourism sustainability practices

Dália Filipa Liberato, Pedro Liberato, Gisela Sousa, Filipa Brandão


Sustainable regional growth through astrotourism

Dália Filipa Liberato, Carla Melo, Sofia Carvalho, Pedro Liberato


Porto as an LGBT+ friendly destination

Pedro Liberato, Dália Filipa Liberato, Jéssica Moreira, Carlos Costa, Filipa Brandão


Sustainability interpretation and impacts of luxury tourism in Douro

Dália Filipa Liberato, Fernanda A. Ferreira, Ana Francisca Braga, Pedro Liberato


How heterogeneous are visitors of wine regions?

Maria João Carneiro, Elisabeth Kastenholz, Celeste Eusébio


Mapping the Progress in Research on Tourists and Water Conservation: A Bibliometric Review from 2001 to 2024

Cristina Silva Araújo, Elisabeth Kastenholz, Isabel M. Santos, Carlos Costa, Zélia Breda


In_Spire: Fostering Pedagogical Innovation in Tourism Education

Sandra Vieira Vasconcelos, Carla Salgueiro Melo, António Melo, Cristina Mouta Alves da Silva, José António Silva, Fernanda Ferreira, Bebiana Monteiro


Risk perception during the COVID-19 pandemic: A generational approach

Carla Maria Silva, Cláudia Seabra, Manuel Reis


Analysing the development of sustainable tourism in the Porto and Northern Portugal tourism region

Daniela Meneses, Carlos Costa, Fernanda A. Ferreira, Celeste Eusébio


Religious tourism between concepts and reflections

Daniel Aguirre Campos, Gutemberg Cardoso da Silva


The role of virtual reality in sustainable tourism – a systematic literature review and research agenda

Filipa Jorge, Manuel Au-Yong Oliveira, Mário Sérgio Sérgio Teixeira, Maximino Bessa


The role of Wi-Fi networks to understand tourist´s behaviour

Maria Gorete Ferreira Dinis, Maria Carlos Lopes, Adelaide Proença, Ana Balão


The high education system: The high education system: The case of tourism operations and distribution curricula

Maria José Silva, Fernando Florim De Lemos, Lígia Maria Rocha Pinto Ribeiro, Carlos Costa


Digital Marketing and the Metaverse

insights from a tourism perspective

Sónia Avelar, Teresa Borges-Tiago, João Pedro Aguiar


The Realms Experience of Fishing Tourism

Study on Tripadvisor world reviews on the Pine and Gilmore model

Fernando Toro Sánchez, Eva Martín-Fuentes, Vladimir Perdomo Verdicia


The possibilities of implementing sustainability reporting (ESG) by Polish Airport

Dariusz Tłoczyński, Joanna Czerepko, Marta Wlodarczyk-Wozniczko, Tomasz Szymczak


The role of venture capital and private equity in the Portuguese market

João Miguel Cabrito Caldeira, Carlos Manuel Pinheiro


Can the subaltern speak in Creative tourism?

Larissa Fernanda de Lima Almeida, Gabriela Nicolau Santos


Climate and Its Effects on International Tourism to Uzbekistan

Insights from Gravity Model Studies

Khusen Ibragimov, Madina Ibragimova, Rogelio Jr Flores, Mekhrangiz Khusenova


Making communities a central part of tourism’s future: the Maceira – Embaixadores D’Aldeia project

Ricardo Guerra, Vitor Roque, Cristina Rodrigues, Ana Lopes, Elsa Ramos, António Oliveira


Post-crisis communication: towards destination’s image repair or destination’s resilience creation?

María del Pilar Pascual Fraile, Pilar Talón Ballestero, Teresa Villacé Molinero, Antonio Ramos Rodríguez


Event Tourism in Public Policies of Cities

Yoná da Silva Dalonso, Ricardo Ricci Uvinha, Ellen de Oliveira


COVID-19, Mental health, and integration of public policies in planning tourism

Iara Lucia Gomes Brasileiro, Helena Luna Ferreira, Rayane Ruas, Walter Neto


Low Carbon Perspectives And Sustainability Of Tourism In The Brazilian Amazon

Analysis Of The Projection Of Gee Equivalents In Two Tourist Attractions In Manaus

Giancarlo Philippi Zacchi, Edileuza Lobato da Cunha, Francisco Irapuan Ribeiro, Gilberto Luiz de Souza Paula, Luiz Carlos da Silva Flores


A Analysis of production process from the perspective of cleaner production Applied in restaurants

Gabriela Resende Yamamoto, Yoná Dalonso, Fernanda Cristina da Silva Ferreira, Mariana Falcão Brotero Duprat


Bolo de Rolo: From Luso-Brazilian Table to Pernambuco's Cultural and Gastronomic Identity

Lucivan Macena de Carvalho, Sarah Maroni Minasi, Vander Valduga, Felipe Borborema Cunha Lima


Tourism and Inclusion

The Sesc Nogueira Hotel as a Leisure Space for People with Intellectual Disabilities

Nicolas Lemos de Camargo, Francisco Henrique Bezerril de Lima, Jessica Siqueira Luiz, Carlos Alberto Lidizia Soares


Tourism, Leisure and Well-being

Nicolas Lemos de Camargo, Jessica Siqueira Luiz, Carlos Alberto Lidizia Soares


Circular economy and sustainability: best practices in the restaurant sector

Beatriz Maia, Susana Silva, António Melo, Daniel Azevedo, Goretti Silva, Henrique Camões, Carla Melo


Sentiments on the Map: A Comparative Analysis of Online Tourist Reviews in Bragança's Attractions

Thiago Moraes, Jessica Ferreira, Elaine Scalabrini, Paula Odete Fernandes


Post-Covid-19 tourism consumer

Motivations and travel patterns

Sónia Avelar, Beatriz Raposo, Teresa Borges-Tiago


The effects of Host-Guest interactions on destination image and loyalty

Dora Gomes, Alcina Gaspar Ferreira, Elisabeth Kastenholz


The ageing effect on European tourism demand: a short/medium term impacts scenarios

Jaime Manuel Serra, Filipe Ribeiro, Lídia Patrícia Tomé


Innovative Approaches to Tourism Education: A Case Study of Collaborative Design Thinking for Sustainable Solutions

Maria Lurdes Martins, Paula Fonseca, Regina Brautlacht, Wendi Hulme, Kristi Julian


Accessing metaverse in tourism research: a preliminary bibliometric insights

Youssef El Archi, Lucília Cardoso, Brahim Benbba


Exploring creative tourism on quality of life of older artisans

The case of Loulé Criativo

Hilal Akdemir, Maria Alexandra Patrocínio Rodrigues Gonçalves, José Manuel Sousa de São José


Senior travelers’ experience and usage in adopting ICTs

The travel among three jurisdictions of Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macau

Penny Wan, Simon Lei, Yuling Zeng, Jianzhong Pan, Jingting Lu, Yihua Lin, Sao Wa Chan


Social Networks, tourism, and experiences

Content analysis on tourist motivations for sharing content

Sergio López Salas, Ana Moreno-Lobato, Barbara Sofía Pasaco-González, Elena Sánchez-Vargas


Tourism Policy and Climate Change: stakeholders’ outlook towards Brazilian Amazon

Cláudia Helena Nunes Henriques, Jacqueline Maria Corá, Carlos Miguel Afonso


Touristification of space and overtourism

Bruna de Castro Mendes, Valéria Luiza Pereira Fedrizzi


Characteristics of wine tourism in Portugal in 2022

Veronique Nelly Paul Marie Joukes, Adelaide Cerveira, Francisca Anastácio


Pairing Experience in Olive Oil Tourism

practical application of an Olive Oil Digital Menu

Bebiana Monteiro, Mariana Oliveira, Marta Quintas, José António Silva, Marcos Sousa


Collaborative learning projects in tourism in higher education

Fernando Florim De Lemos, Florbela Machado, Sílvio Ribeiro


The environmental responsibility of tourists and its implications on sustainable tourism experiences

Josefa Laize Soares Oliveira, Ananda Aparecida Rossi Bastos, Érika Sayuri Koga, Jordana de Souza Cavalcante, Paulo Henrique Assis Feitosa


MICE Events: Challenges and Opportunities to the Tourism Sector

Susana Silva, Catarina Jardim, Cândida Silva, Dora Martins


Aprendizagens in loco proposta interdisciplinar. Bacharelado em Turismo – IFSP-CBT

Valéria Luiza Pereira Fedrizzi, Thiago Rodrigues Schulze, Marina Duarte Gomes Silva


Social Networks and the Engagement of the Resident Community in the Promotion of Tourism

The case of Maceira Digital

Vitor Roque, Ricardo Guerra, Ana Lopes, Cristina Rodrigues, Elsa Ramos, António Oliveira


Tourism trends in central region of Portugal

Manuel Brito, Carlota Lemos, Maria Lúcia Pato

1157 – 1171

Unraveling the Moral Disengagement of Generation Z in Tourism Destination Choice

Claudio Nigro, Enrica Iannuzzi, Simona Curiello, Rosa Spinnato


Factors influencing tourist experience and satisfaction: The case of sustainable green products

Vítor Manuel Pinto Figueiredo, Ricardo Costa Guerra, Eduardo Gonçalves, José Alexandre Martins


Nudges in Thermalism

A Systematic Literature Review

Vera Antunes, Cristina Estevão, Gisela Gonçalves


The importance of certification in health and wellness tourism

the case of Termas de São Pedro do Sul

Ricardo Jorge da Costa Guerra, José Alexandre Martins, Daniela Pereira


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“Tourism in unprecedented times: Looking for new directions”

Tourism has always been a catalyst for peace, change and sustainable development. However, approaches to tourism have changed drastically over the years. As we mark a new era, our world is facing unprecedented challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, the emergence of disruptive technologies and increasing digitalisation, the war in Ukraine, the global energy crisis and rampant inflation are profoundly changing the pace of development in the world and drastically impacting the tourism sector. The INVTUR 2024 International Conference aims to reflect on how the world is changing and to advance approaches and techniques to tourism’s dynamic evolution and development. The INVTUR International Conference is an event organised by the University of Aveiro, Portugal, since 2010 and has become one of the world’s largest tourism conferences. Over the years, it has gained a reputation for being a platform for cutting-edge research and innovative ideas in the field of tourism. For the upcoming edition, INVTUR is expected to bring together academics, researchers, policymakers, practitioners and industry professionals from around the world to discuss and share their findings, insights, and experiences in the field of tourism. The INVTUR 2024 International Conference intends to share and apply scientific knowledge into practice that impacts the transformation of destinations. Cutting-edge research and best practices from a diverse range of tourism topics shall be showcased by hosting a number of concurrent meetings, keynote speeches, special sessions and related events. Parallel to the academic conference, discussions shall be held involving academics and people from the business sector and relevant organisations. Overall, participants will have the opportunity to strengthen networking opportunities with various stakeholders, enabling the use of research results in the best interest of the scientific community, the tourism sector and society. By fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange among stakeholders in the tourism industry, INVTUR 2024 International Conference aims to contribute to a more sustainable and equitable future for all.