Nudges no Termalismo Uma Revisão Sistemática da Literatura


Vera Antunes
Cristina Estevão
Gisela Gonçalves


At the current juncture of society, it can be observed that different ways of changing behaviour have been tested, through experiments, using a system of nudges in different areas of science. Improving decisions about health, wealth and happiness was the challenge set by Thaler and Sunstein (2008) in their work. Tourism is an industry with high growth potential, and with sustainability and health in mind, wellness is the type of tourism of choice for the tourist of the future (Buxton & Michopoulou, 2021). Despite its importance in public policies and the private sector, according to Souza-Neto et al. (2022) tourism is still a little researched area and it is necessary to identify the contributions of behavioural sciences so that people move in the best direction in an easier way. People are increasingly aware of the importance of taking care of their health and are looking for solutions to improve their quality of life (Campon-Cerro et al., 2020). Integrated into wellness through its attractiveness, thermal baths could become an effective antidote to current public health challenges (Erfurt & Cooper, 2009). Many authors have confirmed this evidence (Kazakov & Oyner, 2021; Mendonca et al., 2021; Pinos Navarrete & Shaw, 2021)but few have been concerned with how to communicate this trend.

Due to the relevance of this topic and the lack of studies that synthesize the implications of nudges in thermalism, the aim of this research is to analyse and synthesise the existing literature on the application of nudges; and to provide a consolidated view on the emerging subject of nudges and apply it to thermalism. Considering the directions of this study the following research question was raised:

Q1 - What kind of nudging is suggested as communication strategy for thermalism?

To study communication in thermalism, this article deepens the knowledge about nudges and considers the main influences addressed in the literature review to stimulate the practice of thermalism. As systematic literature review is an analysis that uses systematic and explicit methods to identify, select and critically evaluate relevant research, collect and analyse data from studies included in the review, using the PRISMA Statement method, we consider it the most effective methodology for conducting this research (Higgins et al., 2011). This study seeks to contribute to the area of communication and thermalism through a strategy using nudges for people's well-being.

The article is structured in four parts: the first adopts a theoretical approach to themes related to thermalism, and nudge; the second describes the methodology applied, the third presents the results and discussion, finally, the implications, conclusions, limitations and future lines of research are presented.

