Culinary diplomacy: fostering cultural understanding through gastrodiplomatic initiatives


Maria Lurdes Martins
Paula Fonseca


Objectives | This micro virtual exchange project aimed to facilitate cultural exchange and promote culinary tourism between Portugal and Finland through a collaborative campaign led by tourism and hospitality undergraduate students. The project sought to deepen students' understanding of each other's gastronomic traditions while enhancing their language proficiency in English.


Methodology | The project involved 9 students from each country, organized into three groups focused on starters, main courses, and desserts. Over the course of one semester, students engaged in six tasks. They conducted research on tourism, food habits, and culture in their partner's country. Subsequently, they selected a representative dish, created a promotional video, and participated in a synchronous online meeting to discuss their findings. Finally, students presented their conclusions and conducted an online project evaluation.  


Main Results and Contributions | The project's outcomes underscore the pivotal role of food in diplomacy. Students not only gained profound insights into each other's gastronomic traditions, but they also discovered the potential of culinary experiences as a powerful tool for cultural exchange. This heightened awareness not only broadened their cultural horizons but also deepened their appreciation for the unifying power of food. Moreover, the project significantly elevated students' proficiency in English in the context of food-related conversations. They demonstrated a notable improvement in their ability to articulate and discuss culinary topics, showcasing the practical application of language skills in a specific domain.


Limitations | While the project achieved its intended objectives, some limitations should be acknowledged. The synchronous online interaction was limited to one session, potentially restricting the depth of cultural exchange. Additionally, the virtual nature of the exchange may have hindered the full sensory experience associated with culinary tourism.


Conclusions | The success of this gastrodiplomatic virtual exchange project underscores the profound impact of food as a bridge between cultures. The ability to share culinary experiences virtually has emerged as an effective means of fostering understanding and connection. This project exemplifies the potential for culinary diplomacy to transcend borders and facilitate meaningful cross-cultural interactions. As we navigate an increasingly interconnected world, recognizing the significance of food in diplomacy becomes paramount in building bridges of understanding and cooperation across global communities.


Referências bibliográficas

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