Semiótica Peirceana: método de análise em pesquisa qualitativa

  • Almerinda Tereza Bianca Bez Batti Dias Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense, Universidade do Vale do Itajaí
Keywords: Semiotics, Pierce’s Categories, Qualitative Research


Although semiotics has been discussed since the beginning of philosophical thought and has transitioned forward into not only medical, natural, and human sciences, in addition to the field of communication, it has only recently started to be used as a method in other sciences. This is due to the interest in the important role of both verbal and nonverbal language. Modern semiotics is based on two theoretical proposals: First- linguist Saussure in Europe, who developed the science of semiology based on dichotomized concepts and focused on verbal language; and secondly, North American philosopher Charles Peirce who founded the science of all signs based on the three universal categories of Firstness, Secondness, Thirdness, and their triadic relations, while also focusing on verbal and nonverbal language. This essay aims to contextualize Peircean Semiotics in time and space until that which is proposed by Peirce, concerning the universal phenomenological categories, is presented as a possible qualitative research method.


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How to Cite
Dias, A. (2013). Semiótica Peirceana: método de análise em pesquisa qualitativa. Indagatio Didactica, 5(2), 884-895.
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