As Webquests como Ferramenta de Trabalho Colaborativo e Autónomo em Matemática no Ensino Superior

Keywords: teaching and learning mathematics, collaborative work, autonomous work, webquests, higher education


The ‘glocal’ information, communication and knowledge society poses constant challenges, in the field education, specially in, to Mathematics, which plays a key role in humanity’s development. Paradoxically, it is one of the areas that still destined to failure. Aware of this problematic, the Bologna process aims to create the conditions to make higher education part of the answer. In this context, we implemented a didactic approach in higher education in Engineering, focused on exploring, outside the classroom, collaboratively and independently, webquests that address diverse tasks of different nature approach of inverse trig functions and calculus differential and integral. The underlying purpose of the investigation is to evaluate the impact of this approach in the development of transversal and specific skills by the students, such as collaborative construction and application of knowledge and attitudes related to mathematical topics. To this end, we opted for a qualitative case study involving five groups of students registered in the course Mathematics. The data obtained from the resolution of such webquests and the reflections about such activity and group evaluation, leads to conclusion that working collaboratively and autonomously can promote motivation and commitment from the students, contributing to the development of transversal and specific skills with positive impact on the level of success.


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How to Cite
Lemos, C., Pombo, L., & Cabrita, I. (2014). As Webquests como Ferramenta de Trabalho Colaborativo e Autónomo em Matemática no Ensino Superior. Indagatio Didactica, 6(1), 459-479.
Tecnologias da informação em educação