Educommunicative culture and new narrative creations – The use of video and storytelling language in an educative context

Keywords: Educommunication, Educatives videos, Audiovisual narrative, High School


This article presents an overview about the narrative construction of educational videos aimed at high school students most accessed on the YouTube platform. With a qualitative approach, the purpose of this research is to investigate the characteristics of these narratives in the most diverse videos used as didactic-pedagogical resources in several contexts. For the methodology, the study was outlined by the analysis of the selected material based in four parameters, which were stablished according to the particularities of the audiovisual language, which consist of: technical and aesthetic aspects of the educative video, language, script and imagen and edition. With the data collected, it is noticed that the video lessons lean much more towards the informative and interpretative genre, as well as the face-to-face class, except to topics approached with a more opinionated orientation form the teacher/youtuber. Also, it is identified the existence of spaces to be occupied for the formal education based on the dynamic relationship between the videos and the Storytelling language, in addition to the necessity to include new narrative forms in the teaching and learning process for a student profile who do not make a rigid division between formal and informal teaching. However, the highlight of the study is the perception that there is an innovation in the formats of teaching in order to follow the new ways of learning with technological tolls, innovation that is mostly consolidated by the teachers’ performance, who use youtubers characteristics without losing the teaching methodology.


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How to Cite
de Souza, S., & Costa, P. (2021). Educommunicative culture and new narrative creations – The use of video and storytelling language in an educative context. Indagatio Didactica, 13(3), 215-232.
Tecnologias da informação em educação