Residents’ Attitudes toward the Impacts of Theme Parks in Lembang Sub-district, West Bandung Regency, Indonesia
Lembang is one tourist destination that has developed tourism attractions and activities, in which one of which is a Theme Park. Theme Park is a recreation area that has unique features that can characterize a place using a carried concept. This attraction could turn to be the main motivation for tourists’ visits and it tends to invite tourists of large numbers. Thus, the presence of mass tourism has caused some impact on residents who live in the proximity areas where they run their lives and livelihoods. The presence of a theme park has both positive and negative implications for the surrounding population. This study aims to analyze local residents’ attitudes toward Theme Park by using a qualitative and quantitative approach analysis based on both primary and secondary data. An understanding of the impacts of Theme Park's existence on settlement areas and their inhabitants may be a cornerstone of a sustainable Lembang tourism development strategy so that tourism is not only seen positively by entrepreneurs but also brings significant benefits to residents who live nearby.