Descentralização, Gestão e Desenvolvimento Local: Uma apreciação a partir do Plano Nacional de Turismo

  • Patrícia Rosvadoski da Silva Universidade Federal de Viçosa
  • Suely de Fátima Ramos Silveira Universidade Federal de Viçosa
  • Leonardo Pinheiro Deboçã Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Keywords: Tourism, National Tourism Plan, Decentralization, Public Policy Management, Local Development


Tourism is an activity that is constantly growing, creating benefits such as employment, income, infrastructure improvements, and even a better life for cities who survive from him. To the extent that tourism is taking shape as promising for the local development, public administration must assume its role as provider and regulator of the touristic activity. In this way, the National Tourism Plan (PNT) was configured as the main document governing Brazil’s tourist activity, pointing guidelines for state governments, departments and other stakeholders which could guide their public policies. This study aimed to discuss the objectives of the Macro-program 4 of the PNT concerning to the concepts of decentralization, management and local development. The structure of the paper was presented from the introduction, explaining the theoretical concepts of management and tourism policies, decentralization and, finally, the concepts of local development and tourism, followed by the methodology used and the results analysis. The study’s character is basically qualitative, descriptive and documentary. Secondary data were used, from National Tourism Plan and Report Brazil’s 2010 the Competitiveness Index
of the National Tourism. Data were collected in the official website of the Ministry of Tourism and the analysis was divided into two parts: in the first one, the data were transcribed from results of the MTUR within the thirteen dimensions used by the ministry. In the second step we measured the categories of analysis. These were the thirteen dimensions proposed by MTUR in which occurs a manifestation of the competitiveness indicators of tourism in Brazil. We conclude that, within the categories analyzed, the objectives of Macro-program 4 have not been met satisfactorily.


How to Cite
Silva, P. R. da, Silveira, S. de F. R., & Deboçã, L. P. (2012). Descentralização, Gestão e Desenvolvimento Local: Uma apreciação a partir do Plano Nacional de Turismo. Journal of Tourism & Development, 2(17/18), 963-978.
Impactes do Turismo