
Current Issue

Vol 6 No 1 (2022): IMPAR Online Journal for artistic research
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Call for articles Vol.7 (2023/2024)

ÍMPAR welcomes submissions from authors wishing to publish their original research, which should contribute towards enhancing knowledge in the field of artistic research.  

All submissions will be subjected to a double-peer review selection process. All selected submission are published without cost. Due to our open access policy, readers may freely view, download, copy, distribute and print the full articles.

All submitted works should contain evidence of a scholarly approach to original research and be situated within the current literature. Their contribution to the field of artistic research should be clearly stated, relevant, contemporary, and of interest to an international readership. We particularly encourage articles that include audio-visual material to further reiterate the inextricable link between artistic production and artistic research. 

Accepted formats

Video-article - Preferably supported by open access plataforms, such as Vimeo or Educast. Maximum duration 45 minutes. A short notice or a clarification text should be included. 

Text-article - A typical article should contain approximately 6,000 - 8,000 words, although longer articles may also be considered. An abstract with a maximum of 250 words should explain the aims, methods and offer a brief overview of the research outcomes. Three to five keywords should also be included. Notwithstanding, demonstrations of the embodied knowledge refferred in the article are also encouraged. 

Podcast - Preferably supported by open access plataforms, such as Vimeo or Educast. Maximum duration 45 minutes. 


Authors can expect a decision from the editors within 12 weeks of receipt of manuscript.

Information about submission guidelines can be found here. 


ISSN: 2184-1993