ÍMPAR: Online Journal for Artistic Research
Vol 4 No 1 (2020)Created in 2017, ÍMPAR is a biannual publication whose objective is to disseminate the knowledge production in the field of Artistic Research. This issue, in addition to inaugurating the fourth year of this journal is also establishing what will be a turning point: ÍMPAR publishes for the first time an article that while being artistic research is not artistic research in music.
IMPAR: Online Journal for Artistic Research
Vol 3 No 2 (2019)Created in 2017, ÍMPAR is a biannual publication whose objective is to disseminate the knowledge production in the field of Artistic Research. With this issue, the journal concludes its 3rd year of activity with a golden key. The editorial board of ÍMPAR invited three outstanding researchers from the field of Artistic Research to submit articles that would address at least one of the fracturing issues within this area of knowledge. It was with great satisfaction that we received immediate confirmation from all the invited researchers accepting our challenge: Professor Darla Crispin, Norwegian Academy of Music, Oslo, Norway; Professor Stefan Östersjö, Piteå School of Music, Luleå University of Technolog, Sweden; and Professor Rui Penha, School of Music and Performing Arts, Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal.