Exploring transdisciplinary performance and creation in Le corps qui habite en moi for solo flute

  • Leticia Maia Durante Universidade de Aveiro
  • Pedro Yugo Sano Mani
Keywords: collaborative process, creative process, artistic research, movement, flute solo


This paper is aimed to clarify the creation of the composition and performance of Le corps qui habite en moi, the result of the collaborative process between two artist-researchers. It is an exploration of our searches as musicians and researchers within the Western Classical Music esthetics, raising questions related to the creativity and the freedom of expression in our environment. We believe that it is necessary to go beyond some barriers and question preconceived ideas within the tradition about what is a concert, a performance and a creative process. Another central question is related to the relation of mind-body in our modern society as well as on the Western Classical Music esthetics, where the player’s body is many times effaced and renegade in the musical performance. Within the field of artistic research, the main objective was the creation of a composition and a transdisciplinary performance that could reveal the expression of a body on stage. From the composition it was created a semi-opened choreography and a series of watercolors that interact with different moments of the composition, creating a narrative elucidating the awaken of the human body as an expressive agent in the performance, as well as the intermodal character of the creative activity. The central part of this paper is the performance presented at the Post-ip Congress of the University of Aveiro in December 2022; therefore, we recommend watching the video before reading the text.


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