Publication Process
All submitted manuscripts are initially assessed by the Editors, and, if found suitable, submitted to a double-blind peer review process. All submissions and peer review are conducted online. Papers should be submitted electronically according to editorial guidelines (see Template), thus incorrectly formatted papers will be rejected.
Scholarly papers are published in the Articles section of the JDMI Journal and are subject to a double-blind peer review process. Review texts are published in the Reviews section of the JDMI Journal and are not subject to peer-review.
After the manuscript is submitted to the Editor, it is sent to anonymous readers for peer review. Each manuscript is reviewed by two/three independent peer-reviewers selected from the editorial board or external peer-reviewers invited to review specific submissions. Manuscripts may be rejected or returned to the author prior to being sent for peer review if scope, structure, or content is lacking sufficient quality.
Authors are notified of acceptance, rejection or the need for revision within one to two months. Articles may be returned to the author for revisions once or more.
After a manuscript is accepted, it is edited at the editorial office where it will be styled to conform to JDMI's style, and returned to the author for approval prior to publication.
Once a manuscript is accepted for publication, the editing and production process usually takes about one month. An accepted article may not appear in the immediately subsequent issue of the journal, at the discretion of the editor.
There are no Author Processing Fees. The publication is fully open access, and no APC are applied, either to authors or readers, at anytime.
Authors are invited to submit scholarly papers, under the stated aims and scope of the Journal of Digital Media and Interaction (JDMI).
The publishing language for the Journal is: English, Portuguese, Spanish and French.
Articles should be anonymized for double-blind peer review.
Articles must follow APA Reference Style, and it is mandatory to use a reference management software (e.g.: Mendeley) to insert automated references
Articles should follow the Template Guidelines, and should be between 4000 and 7000 words.
JDMI also accepts reviews of books/films/games/apps of interest within the scope of the Journal of Digital Media and Interaction (JDMI).
Reviews should be between 1000 and 2500 words.
Submitting Manuscripts Electronically
To submit a manuscript, authors must register on the journal submission system (make sure you check the "Author" role) and follow the submission process, by clicking the "New submission" link on the user Home:
Step 1: Select the journal section (Articles or Reviews) and verify the submission checklist.
Step 2: Upload the main file (Word document).
Step 3: Enter the submission metadata in English (author names, affiliation, abstract, keywords). And if not written in English, enter again the metadata choosing your language to have access to the metadata in your language (Portuguese, French or Spanish)
Step 4: Upload supplementary files. In this step you should provide a zip file with the image files used in the paper.
Step 5: Confirm the submission.
For questions regarding the submission process use the email address: