Discursive Studio Analysis: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Social Design, Learning, and Creativity

  • Vittorio Marone The University of Texas at San Antonio
Keywords: Online interaction; online discourse; computer-mediated communication; discourse analysis; codesign; social creativity


In recent years, the emergence of new technologies and ways of communicating, creating, and sharing has spurred a new interest in social and collaborative forms of creativity that transcend traditional conceptions of “creativity as an individual effort.” By posing social creativity as participatory design, this article puts forth a methodological approach called Discursive Studio Analysis (DSA), which can be used to make sense of situated discourses, artifacts, and practices found in design-driven social spaces. By considering the influence of concepts like prosumers, participatory cultures, Discourses, multimodality, intertextuality, and affinity spaces, this interdisciplinary methodology aims at offering useful interpretive tools to researchers, designers, and practitioners in order to help them make sense of emerging creative and learning practices in informal social environments.


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