Preservação e Patrimônio em Jogo na Tecnocultura: a (Re)construção da Catedral de Notre-Dame em Assassin’s Creed

(Preservation and Heritage at Play in Technoculture: The (Re)construction of Notre-Dame Cathedral in Assassin’s Creed)

  • Camila de Ávila Unisinos
  • Aline Corso Unisinos
  • Gustavo Daudt Fischer Unisinos
Keywords: Technoculture, Digital Games, Memory, Archaeogaming, Heritage


A preservação do patrimônio cultural de uma sociedade podeserentendida como uma prática tecnocultural (Shaw, 2008). Uma das formas depreservar as dimensões materiais e imateriais desse legado histórico, visando a construção de valores e a atribuição de significados, é realizada a partir dos jogos (A. Reinhard, 2018), que têm potência para ampliar, de maneira envolvente, a experiência do público. A perspectiva que nos interessa é compreender dois cruzamentos entre o jogo Assassin’s Creed: Unitye a Catedral de Notre-Dame, a saber: como o jogo se apropria da materialidade desse patrimônio histórico e, a partir do incêndio que atingiu Notre-Dame em 2019, refletir comoaideia de (re)construção se coloca a partir do jogo. Ao final, entendemos que o caso como: a) sintomático para apreender os tensionamentos entre a proposição do jogo como forma de entretenimento e sua reapropriação pela sua potência preservacionista,b) potente para considerar o jogo digital como espaço explorável “arqueologicamente” coalescendo diferentes repertórios de lembranças do jogador e c) provocador da necessidade de maiores investimentos de pesquisa e desenvolvimento sobre e com práticas queenvolvem “patrimônio” e “mídia” na medida em que essas dimensões comparecem cada vez mais imbricadas em nossa tecnocultura.

(The preservation of a society's cultural heritage can be understood as a technocultural practice (Shaw, 2008). One of the ways to preserve the material and immaterial dimensions of this historical legacy, aiming at the construction of values ​​and the attribution of meanings, is carried out through games (A. Reinhard, 2018), which have the power to expand, in an engaging way, the experience for the public. The perspective that interests us is to understand two intersections between the game Assassin's Creed: Unity and the Notre-Dame Cathedral, namely: how the game appropriates the materiality of this historical heritage and, from the fire that hit Notre-Dame in 2019, reflect how the idea of ​​(re)construction arises from the game. In the end, we understand that this case as: a) symptomatic to apprehend the tension between the proposition of the game as a form of entertainment and its reappropriation by its preservationist power, b) potent to consider the digital game as an “archaeologically” exploitable space as it coalesces different repertoires of the player's memories and c) provoking the need for greater investments in research and development on and with practices that involve “heritage” and “media” as these dimensions appear increasingly intertwined in our technoculture.)


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Author Biographies

Camila de Ávila, Unisinos

PhD Candidate in Communication Sciences (UNISINOS), with CNPq full scholarship. B.A. in Advertising (UFN), Specialist in Digital Culture and Social Media (UNISINOS), and M.A. in Communication Sciences (UNISINOS). Member of the research group Audiovisualities and Technoculture: Communication, Memory and Design.

Aline Corso, Unisinos

PhD Candidate in Communication Sciences (UNISINOS), M.A. in Cultural Processes and Manifestations (FEEVALE), B.A. in Digital Tech/Creation (UCS). Professor of Communication Studies (UNICNEC, FSG). Coordinator and lecturer of Digital Communication Specialization (FSG). Member of the research group Audiovisualities and Technoculture: Communication, Memory and Design.

Gustavo Daudt Fischer, Unisinos
Professor at the School of Creative Industry at the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS). B.A. in Advertising from UFRGS, M.A. and PhD in Communication Sciences from UNISINOS. Professor of the Graduate Program in Communication Sciences at Unisinos and vice-coordinator of the research group Audiovisualities and Technoculture: Communication, Memory and Design.


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