Extended techniques on the traverso (part 2)

The case of the flutter-tonguing and microtones in the post-modernist repertoire for the one-keyed flute

  • Matteo Gemolo University of Cardiff
Keywords: Traverso, Affects, Effects, Contemporary music, Postmodernism


Further to my previous article in the last issues of ÍMPAR - Online Journal for Artistic Research, on
the flattement and glissandos, I deepened my exploration of the post-modernist use of other extended techniques on the traverso with the study of flutter-tonguing and microtones. The most recent works written by Masahiro Arita, Hans-Martin Linde, Vasco Negreiros, Rodney Sharman, John Thow and Jukka Tiensuu demonstrate how resourcefully these extended techniques can be employed on this instrument. The section entitled ‘the effect’ explains how to execute them, while their musical meanings and expressive components are analysed in the section called ‘the affect.’


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