On the reality clarified by art

Keywords: artistic research, artistic creation, philosophy of art


In this article, I propose that there is a reality that can be clarified by art. This mode of reality — the ontologically subjective — is by definition inaccessible to science. Artistic creation hence stands as the academic endeavour which is better equipped to provide a suitable ground for its clarification, here understood as providing the means for a shared comprehension of such reality. However, not all artistic creation aims to do that and, if misdirected — as when it follows research methods and procedures borrowed from science —, it can’t help but fail to do so. We thus face the challenge of defining a focus that is specific to artistic creation and that can help art to accomplish its full potential within the academy.

Author Biography

Rui Penha, School of Music and Performing Arts, Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal

Composer, media artist, and performer of electroacoustic music, Rui Penha was born in Porto in 1981. He completed his PhD in Music (Composition) at the University of Aveiro. His music is regularly recorded and played in festivals and concert halls around Europe and North America, by musicians such as Arditti Quartet, Peter Evans, Remix Ensemble, or the Gulbenkian Orchestra. He was a founder and curator of Digitópia (Casa da Música, Porto) and has a deep interest on the relationship between music and its technology. His recent production includes interfaces for musical expression, sound spatialisation software, interactive installations, musical robots, autonomous improvisers, and educational software. More recently, Rui has focused his attention on the problems of defining and guiding artistic research. He taught at several Portuguese institutions, in both music, art and engineering faculties, and is currently an assistant professor at ESMAE and researcher at INESC TEC. More info at http://ruipenha.pt 


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