Music, childhood, education

Different spaces, shared paths

  • Tamya de Oliveira Ramos Moreira Universidade Estadual de São Paulo
  • Rosana Araujo Colégio Equipe - São Paulo, Brasil
  • Samuel Campos de Pontes Institute of Arts - São Paulo State University
  • Marisa Trench de Oliveira Fonterrada Institute of Arts - São Paulo State University
  • Ana Lúcia Iara Gaborim-Moreira Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul
  • Daiane Solange Stoeberl da Cunha Centro-Oeste State University - Unicentro
  • Paula Molinari Federal University of Maranhão
Keywords: educação musical, educação básica, práticas criativas, extensão universitária, formação de professores, canto coral


Connections between music, childhood, and education are multiple. The program of this thematic panel consists of seven presentations that embrace diversity. Starting from a commitment to music education in and for childhood, we present Brazilian works developed in spaces with different audiences and specific approaches and objectives. The places of performance and reflection that we consider are: the University, in its teacher training courses and in extension projects, such as choral and instrumental groups in which collaboration occurs with other institutions and with the community in general; the elementary school, both as a locus of early childhood education and as an internship space for educators in training; and private instrument classes for children. As a group, we emphasize the following aspects: the conception that children must be heard and encouraged to participate in the spaces of music education, and that educators have the responsibility to contribute to children's musical development with adequate materials, effectively and democratically; the importance of quality in teacher training as a decisive factor for the improvement of elementary education; the centrality of creative practices to promote the construction of student autonomy and mastery of music and its relationship with other artistic languages.


Brandt, A.; Gebrian, M.; Slevec, L.R. (2012) Music and Early Language Acquisition. Front. Psychology, 3(327).

XXXX. (2021). XXXX.

Schafer, M. (1984) Prologue: The Princess of the Stars [score]. Arcana Editions.