From me to you: one-to-one interaction based performance in music and sonic arts

  • Min Kim Queen’s University Belfast
Keywords: Sonic arts, Live art, One-to-one, Performance, Practice-based research


My paper will examine the potential that is offered by adopting one-to-one performance within music and sonic arts. I will discuss how this approach can contribute to broadening the spectrum of sound performances by expanding and blurring the boundaries with other forms of performing arts.

In Intimate Interactions: Returning to the body in One to One performance, performance art scholar Rachel Zerihan recognises how one-to-one performance format has recently gained popularity within theatre and live art (2006: 2). Likewise, an increasing number of artists within music and sonic arts can be observed creating one-to-one live performance works. Their recent works offer new methods of sonic exchange and provoke different forms of human interaction as well as liberating performances from conventional venues.

I will draw on recent live performance pieces including my own works that deploy this strategy. My aim is to illustrate how these works successfully managed to present a new performance experience and led the audience to discover sonic qualities that would be difficult to demonstrate in conventional performance settings.
