• Rafael de Oliveira Universidade de Aveiro


This paper presents a series of processes used for the creation of an environmentally framed musical composition: music that derives its structure and sounds from a soundscape study. To achieve this goal, two contemporary compositional trends that support the creation of such type of music are used: Sound Imagery and Soundscape Composition.

The work General Torres (2007) is used as a means to explain how sounds present in a soundscape can favor the creation of a musical composition. This piece is based on the temporal narrative proposed while waiting inside the train station “General Torres”, in Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal. The structural process and sound discourse used in the piece is described in order to highlight the uses of both Sound Imagery and Soundscape Composition. Thus, the goal for this study was to develop a piece (composition) in which listening awareness was encouraged, and that (what, the listening awareness?)  musically translates a sound context using referential sound material.


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