Assessment of the stability of a procedure for variables selection in high dimensionality data: an application to genomic data - Alzheimer’s Disease

  • Leonor Carvalho Rodrigues University of Aveiro
  • Jorge Cabral
  • Ana Helena Tavares
  • Vera Enes
  • Miguel Pinheiro
  • Gabriela Moura
  • Vera Afreixo
How to Cite
Rodrigues, L., Cabral, J., Tavares, A., Enes, V., Pinheiro, M., Moura, G., & Afreixo, V. (2022). Assessment of the stability of a procedure for variables selection in high dimensionality data: an application to genomic data - Alzheimer’s Disease. Journal of Statistics on Health Decision, 4(1), 48-49.