Importance of gastric ultrasound in the study of gastric content

  • Jorge Vaz Ramos Rodrigues de Cabral University of Aveiro
  • Elena Segura-Grau
  • Ana Segura-Grau
  • Guillermo Payeras
  • Ricardo Araújo
  • Mário Muginga
  • Vera Afreixo
Keywords: Point of Care Gastric ultrasound, gastric volume, pulmonary aspiration
How to Cite
Cabral, J., Segura-Grau, E., Segura-Grau, A., Payeras, G., Araújo, R., Muginga, M., & Afreixo, V. (2020). Importance of gastric ultrasound in the study of gastric content. Journal of Statistics on Health Decision, 2(2), 8-9.

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