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  • Ágora. Estudos Clássicos em Debate
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  • Cadernos de PLE. Estudos Variacionistas e Aplicados em Língua Não Materna
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  • CEE: Conferência sobre Educação para o Empreendedorismo
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  • Comunicarte: revista de comunicação e arte
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  • CRC 2012: 12ª Conferência sobre Redes de Computadores
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  • Eletrónica e Telecomunicações
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  • Espeleo Divulgação
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  • Estudos do ISCA
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  • Fénix: Revista dos Amigos do Instituto Confúcio da Universidade de Aveiro
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  • Forma Breve
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  • ICIEMC Proceedings
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  • ÍMPAR: Online Journal for Artistic Research
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  • Indagatio Didactica
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  • International Journal of Business Innovation
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  • International Journal of Marketing, Innovation and Strategy
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  • Internet Latent Corpus Journal
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  • INVTUR Proceedings
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  • Journal of Digital Media & Interaction
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  • Journal of Statistics on Health Decision
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  • Music for and by children
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  • Nanomaterials Science & Engineering
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  • PLE Conference Proceedings
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  • Post-ip: Journal of the International Forum for Studies in Music and Dance
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  • research@ua
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  • Revista Captar: Ciência e Ambiente para Todos
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  • Revista da Universidade de Aveiro. Geociências
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  • Revista dos encontros internacionais Ergotrip Design
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  • Journal of Tourism & Development
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  • Road to the East. Journal of Chinese-Portuguese Studies
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  • RUA-L: Revista da Universidade de Aveiro. Letras
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  • SOPCOM: Associação Portuguesa de Ciências da Comunicação
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  • Teografias
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  • TPU: Território, Planeamento e Urbanismo: teoria e prática
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