Tipos de consumo en ferias libres: Un estudio en la ciudad de Temuco - Chile

  • Francisco Gallardo Universidad de la Frontera
  • Paula Urrejola Universidad de la Frontera
  • Belén Vera Universidad de la Frontera
  • Marianela Denegri Universidad de la Frontera
  • Verónica Peñaloza Universidade Estadual do Ceará
  • Felipe Gerhard Universidade Estadual do Ceará


Despite having a large contemporary importance, in addition to historical, linked to the provision of products to the lower income stratum of urban population, the theoretic contribution of the researches versed to flea markets is still very insipid and inconclusive. Thereby, this research aims to analyze the type of consumption of frequenters of a flea market. Thereunto, a Likert scale was applied, which measures the consumer types, to 251 participants while doing their shopping at the Fair Aníbal Pinto, at the city of Temuco, Chile. Thus, four factors were distinguished: “Utilitarian”, “Hedonic”, “Search for Stimuli” and “Accessibility”. The results show no significant differences in the reasons for consumption between men and women, but it was found that younger people have a higher consumption “Search for Stimuli”. Regarding socioeconomic status, low income people have higher “Hedonic” and “Search for Stimuli” consumption than in the other levels. Furthermore, the flea markets continue to resist the advances of the modern temples of consume attracting a large public that looks also for fun and leisure. Its frequenters form a contingent of consumption that has different ideals in contrast with the pragmatic and simplistic logic imagined by companies. At the end, the limitations and suggestions for future research are presented.