Conversão de comprimento de onda baseado em Four Wave Mixing

  • Francisco A. S. Couto
  • Rogério N. Nogueira
  • Paulo S. André
  • António L. Teixeira


All-optical wavelength conversion is one of the major research topics in the optical networks area. Problems due to electrical conversion can be easily eliminated, such as thermic noise; its transparency to the shape of the signal and to the bit rate, makes this type of conversion an attractive solution. The ‘Four Wave Mixing’(FWM) process is one of these alloptical techniques. Theoretical calculation of efficiency as a function of the various parameters involved on the conversion, give us one idea how to optimize a FWM system
and to achieve the best efficiency of conversion, in a DSF fiber. In this work we present the formulation and study the phenomena as a function of its main parameters.
