A Monte Carlo study of the electron clouds produced by polarized x-rays in xenon

  • G. S. Botte Physics Dep., Univ. Coimbra
  • P. J. B. M. Rachinhas Radiotheray Dep., Univ. Hospital Coimbra
  • T. H. V. T. Dias Physics Dep., Univ. Coimbra
  • F. P. Santos Physics Dep., Univ. Coimbra
  • L. M. N. Távora Polytechnical School of Technology and Mangement
  • R. M. Curado da Silva Physics Dep., Univ. Coimbra
  • C. A. N. Conde Physics Dep., Univ. Coimbra
  • A. D. Stauffer Physics and Astronomy Dep.


Information about the polarization of x-ray photons can be determined by probing the direction of emission of photoelectrons and the profile of the electron cloud produced in the detecting medium. In this work we present Monte Carlo results for the electron clouds produced in xenon by the absorption of x-rays, considering a simple non-relativistic dipole approach to the angular differential photoionization cross-sections.

Poster Session