A survey of indoor location systems antennas

  • Luís Brás


Indoor location systems is nowadays a huge area of interest not only at academic but also at industry and commercial level. The correct location of these systems is strongly influenced by antennas performance which can provide gain, bandwidth, polarization and radiation pattern diversity due to large variety of antennas types and formats. The improvement of antennas performance can be greatly improved by the use of Electromagnetic Band-Gap (EBG) metamaterials and Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) switching technology. This paper presents the state of art of antennas used nowadays in diverse indoor location systems. It is described the importance of choosing an appropriate antenna according to systems requirements, a brief explanation of common antennas types used for location, metamaterials advantages, smart antennas and MEMS technology.

Secção Especial: Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Electrotécnica 2009-2010