Immigrations and challenges of teaching Portuguese as a host language at the University of Brasilia

  • Lúcia Maria Assunção Barbosa NEPPE/Unb Idiomas/FAP-DF, Universidade de Brasília
Keywords: Portuguese, Host language, teachers training, immigration


This paper reflects my scientific academic insertion in the teaching-learning axis of languages and teachers training, keeping in view the required approaches between language and culture. Here, I make a brief report about practical and theoretical reflections undertaken more specifically on the teaching-learning theme of Brazilian Portuguese in the context of immigration, in Brasília (Federal District), seen through the prism of the host language. From this perspective, we describe: the partnerships made, the challenges faced and the theoretical and practical progress resultant of the research project “Portuguese as host language in the context of immigration and refuge: labor-linguistic insertion proposal in the Federal District (2016-2017)”. This research project is financed by the Fundação de Apoio Pesquisa do Distrito Federal (FAP-DF) and supported by the extension program “UnB Idiomas” and by NEPPE – Núcleo de Ensino e Pesquisa em Português como Língua Estrangeira, where the activities take place.
