Diálogos com a tradição: a arte de citar nos contos machadianos

  • Aldinida Medeiros UFRN
Keywords: stories, intertextual relations, quotations, reader


Given the numerous relations with other texts present in bis short stories, the reader of Machado de Assis is forced to seek the sense o f so many references to literature - and also to art in general - in the course o f bis texts. This key-feature which is very relevant in Machados narrative is in itself one of its indelible marks that can be found both in his novéis and short stories. Master in the art of quotation, often enacting a frequent dialogue with the Western literary tradition. Machados references range from the Bible, one of his favourite books, to scientific writings, such as Pascais and Isaac Newtohs, in addition to passages from classical mythology. This article seeks to explain some of these relations which can be tracked down in some o f his stories.
