El primer argumento contra la teoría del “alma armonía” en el Eudemo
Aristóteles, Eudemo, ontologia, alma, história da filosofia
No seu diálogo Eudemo, Aristóteles desenvolve dois argumentos contra a teoria da “harmonia da alma” como desdobramento da crítica herdada de Platão. O primeiro não aparece no Fédon nem volta a aparecer entre os argumentos que Aristóteles usa mais tarde no De anima. Essa singularidade do argumento é acompanhada pela dificuldade interpretativa que o argumento oferece, destacada pela crítica contemporânea. O nosso artigo pretende mostrar que esse argumento original do período juvenil se baseia nas “privações parciais ou defeituosas” das obras da maturidade, no contexto das “privações de poder ativo”.
ARISTÓTELES (1964), Tratados de Lógica. Órganon I. Madrid, Gredos. Traducción: Miguel CANDEL SANMARTÍN.
ARISTÓTELES (1978), Metafísica. Madrid, Gredos. Traducción: Tomás CALVO MARTÍNEZ.
ARISTÓTELES (1979), Acerca del alma. Madrid, Gredos. Traducción: Tomás CALVO MARTÍNEZ.
ARISTÓTELES (1983), Física. Madrid, Gredos. Traducción: Guillermo R. de ECHANDÍA.
ARISTÓTELES (2005), Fragmentos. Madrid, Gredos. Traducción: Alvaro VALLEJO CAMPOS.
BARNES, J (1982), The Presocratic Philosophers. London, Routledge.
BONITZ, H (1862-1867), Aristotelische Studien. Fünf Teile in einem Band. Reprografischer Nachdruck der Ausgaben Wien, Vol 1.
BERTI, E (1965), La filosofia del primo Aristotele. Padua, EDAM.
BOSTOCK, D (1986), Plato’s Phaedo. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
CASTON, V (1997), “Epiphenomenalisms, Ancient and Modern”: Philosophical Review 106, 3 (1997) 309-363.
CHARLTON, W (1985), “Aristotle and the Harmonia Theory”: A. GOTTHELF (ed.), Aristotle on Nature and Living Things. Philosophical and Historical Studies. Bristol, Bristol Classical Press, 131-150.
CHROUST, A-E (1966a), “The psychology in Aristotle's lost dialogue Eudemus or On the Soul”: Acta Classica: Proceedings of the Classical Association of South Africa Vol. 9, No. 1 (1966a) 49-62.
CHROUST, A-H (1966b), “Eudemus or on the Soul: A Lost Dialogue of Aristotle on the Immortality of the Soul”: Mnemosyne Fourth Series, Vol. 19, Fasc. 1 (1966b) 17-30.
DELLA VALLE, G (1905), “La teoria dell’anima-armonia di Aristosseno e l’epifenomenismo contemporaneo”: Rivista di Filosofia, 8 (1905) 210-231.
DÜRING, I (2005), Aristóteles: Exposición e Interpretación. Méjico DF, UNAM.
GALLOP, D (1975), Phaedo. Oxford, Clarendon Press.
GOTTSCHALK, HB (1971), “Soul as Harmonia”: Phronesis 39 (1971) 179-198.
HACKFORTH, R (1955), Plato’s Phaedo. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
HEINAMAN, R (1990), “Aristotle and the Mind-Body Problem”: Phronesis 35 1 (1990) 83-102.
HICKS, RD (1907), Aristotle. De Anima. Cambridge, University Press.
HUFFMAN, C (2009), “The Pythagorean conception of the soul from Pythagoras to Philolaus”: DOROTHEA FREDE y BURKHARD REIS (eds.), Body and Soul in Ancient Philosophy. Berlin, De Gruyter, 21-44.
JAEGER, W (1983), Aristóteles, Bases para la Historia de su Desarrollo Intelectual. Madrid, Fondo de Cultura Económica.
PHILOPONUS J. (1897), In Aristotelis libros de anima commentaria, Volume 15. Berlin, Reimer.
LANGTON, R (2000), “The Musical, the Magical, and the Mathematical Soul”: T. CRANE y S. PATTERSON (eds.). History of the Mind-Body Problem. London, Routledge, 1-13.
LASKOWSKA, AM (2016), “The Aristoxenian Theory of Soul as Harmony”: Archiwum Historii Filozofii i Myśli Społecznej, 61 (2016) 287–297.
MCDOWELL, J (2009), Having the World in View. Cambridge, Harvard University Press.
OWEN, GEL (1975), “Kategorien und Ideen im Eudemus”: P. MORAUX (ed.) Frühschriften des Aristoteles. Darmstadt, Wissensschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 270-275.
ROSS, WD (1961), Aristotle. De Anima. Oxford, Clarendon Press.
ROWE, CJ (1993), Phaedo. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
SCALTSAS, TH (1990), “Soul as Attunement: An Analogy or a Model?”: P. NICOLACOPOULOS, Greek Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science. Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 109-119.
SEDLEY, D (1995), “The Dramatis Personae of Plato’s Phaedo”: T. SMILEY (ed.), Philosophical Dialogues. Plato, Hume, Wittgenstein. Proceedings of the British Academy, Vol. 85. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 3-26.
SHIELDS, CH (1988a), “Soul as Subject in Aristotle’s De Anima”: Classical Quarterly 38, 1 (1988a) 140-149.
SHIELDS, CH (1988b), “Soul and Body in Aristotle”: Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 6 (1988b) 103-137.
SHIELDS, CH (2016), De Anima. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
SHIELDS, CH (2020), “In Dialogue about Harmony”: A. P. MESQUITA y S. NORIEGA-OLMOS (eds.), Revisiting Aristotle’s Fragments. Berlin, De Gruyter, 141–162.
TAYLOR, CCW (1983), “The Arguments in the Phaedo Concerning the Thesis That the Soul Is a Harmonia”: J.P. ANTON y A. PREUS (ed.), Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy. Albany, State University of New York Press, 217-231.
TRABATTONI, F (1981), “La teoria dell'Anima-armonia nell'Eudemo”: ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano 34 2 (1981) 345-368.
TRABATTONI, F (1988), “La dottrina dell'anima-armonia nel Fedone”: Elenchos 9 (1988) 53-74.
TRABATTONI, F (2015), “La théorie de l’âme-harmonie chez les commentateurs anciens”: Ancient Readings of Plato’s Phaedo. Leiden, Brill, 256–269.
VOGIATZI, M (2020), “Aristotle on the Soul as Harmony”: Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 41, 2 (2020) 245-268.
WAGNER, E (2001), “Supervenience and the Thesis That the Soul Is a Harmonia”: E. WAGNER (ed.). Essays on Plato’s Psychology. Lanham, Lexington Books, 69-91.
YOUNG, D-J (2007), Soul as Structure: Plato and Aristotle on the Harmonia Theory. Cornell, Cornell University.
YOUNG, D (2013), “Does Aristotle Refute the Harmonia Theory of the Soul”: Open Journal of Philosophy 3 (2013) 47-54.
ZANATTA, M (2008), Aristotele, I dialoghi. Milán, Rizzoli.
ARISTÓTELES (1978), Metafísica. Madrid, Gredos. Traducción: Tomás CALVO MARTÍNEZ.
ARISTÓTELES (1979), Acerca del alma. Madrid, Gredos. Traducción: Tomás CALVO MARTÍNEZ.
ARISTÓTELES (1983), Física. Madrid, Gredos. Traducción: Guillermo R. de ECHANDÍA.
ARISTÓTELES (2005), Fragmentos. Madrid, Gredos. Traducción: Alvaro VALLEJO CAMPOS.
BARNES, J (1982), The Presocratic Philosophers. London, Routledge.
BONITZ, H (1862-1867), Aristotelische Studien. Fünf Teile in einem Band. Reprografischer Nachdruck der Ausgaben Wien, Vol 1.
BERTI, E (1965), La filosofia del primo Aristotele. Padua, EDAM.
BOSTOCK, D (1986), Plato’s Phaedo. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
CASTON, V (1997), “Epiphenomenalisms, Ancient and Modern”: Philosophical Review 106, 3 (1997) 309-363.
CHARLTON, W (1985), “Aristotle and the Harmonia Theory”: A. GOTTHELF (ed.), Aristotle on Nature and Living Things. Philosophical and Historical Studies. Bristol, Bristol Classical Press, 131-150.
CHROUST, A-E (1966a), “The psychology in Aristotle's lost dialogue Eudemus or On the Soul”: Acta Classica: Proceedings of the Classical Association of South Africa Vol. 9, No. 1 (1966a) 49-62.
CHROUST, A-H (1966b), “Eudemus or on the Soul: A Lost Dialogue of Aristotle on the Immortality of the Soul”: Mnemosyne Fourth Series, Vol. 19, Fasc. 1 (1966b) 17-30.
DELLA VALLE, G (1905), “La teoria dell’anima-armonia di Aristosseno e l’epifenomenismo contemporaneo”: Rivista di Filosofia, 8 (1905) 210-231.
DÜRING, I (2005), Aristóteles: Exposición e Interpretación. Méjico DF, UNAM.
GALLOP, D (1975), Phaedo. Oxford, Clarendon Press.
GOTTSCHALK, HB (1971), “Soul as Harmonia”: Phronesis 39 (1971) 179-198.
HACKFORTH, R (1955), Plato’s Phaedo. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
HEINAMAN, R (1990), “Aristotle and the Mind-Body Problem”: Phronesis 35 1 (1990) 83-102.
HICKS, RD (1907), Aristotle. De Anima. Cambridge, University Press.
HUFFMAN, C (2009), “The Pythagorean conception of the soul from Pythagoras to Philolaus”: DOROTHEA FREDE y BURKHARD REIS (eds.), Body and Soul in Ancient Philosophy. Berlin, De Gruyter, 21-44.
JAEGER, W (1983), Aristóteles, Bases para la Historia de su Desarrollo Intelectual. Madrid, Fondo de Cultura Económica.
PHILOPONUS J. (1897), In Aristotelis libros de anima commentaria, Volume 15. Berlin, Reimer.
LANGTON, R (2000), “The Musical, the Magical, and the Mathematical Soul”: T. CRANE y S. PATTERSON (eds.). History of the Mind-Body Problem. London, Routledge, 1-13.
LASKOWSKA, AM (2016), “The Aristoxenian Theory of Soul as Harmony”: Archiwum Historii Filozofii i Myśli Społecznej, 61 (2016) 287–297.
MCDOWELL, J (2009), Having the World in View. Cambridge, Harvard University Press.
OWEN, GEL (1975), “Kategorien und Ideen im Eudemus”: P. MORAUX (ed.) Frühschriften des Aristoteles. Darmstadt, Wissensschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 270-275.
ROSS, WD (1961), Aristotle. De Anima. Oxford, Clarendon Press.
ROWE, CJ (1993), Phaedo. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
SCALTSAS, TH (1990), “Soul as Attunement: An Analogy or a Model?”: P. NICOLACOPOULOS, Greek Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science. Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 109-119.
SEDLEY, D (1995), “The Dramatis Personae of Plato’s Phaedo”: T. SMILEY (ed.), Philosophical Dialogues. Plato, Hume, Wittgenstein. Proceedings of the British Academy, Vol. 85. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 3-26.
SHIELDS, CH (1988a), “Soul as Subject in Aristotle’s De Anima”: Classical Quarterly 38, 1 (1988a) 140-149.
SHIELDS, CH (1988b), “Soul and Body in Aristotle”: Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 6 (1988b) 103-137.
SHIELDS, CH (2016), De Anima. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
SHIELDS, CH (2020), “In Dialogue about Harmony”: A. P. MESQUITA y S. NORIEGA-OLMOS (eds.), Revisiting Aristotle’s Fragments. Berlin, De Gruyter, 141–162.
TAYLOR, CCW (1983), “The Arguments in the Phaedo Concerning the Thesis That the Soul Is a Harmonia”: J.P. ANTON y A. PREUS (ed.), Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy. Albany, State University of New York Press, 217-231.
TRABATTONI, F (1981), “La teoria dell'Anima-armonia nell'Eudemo”: ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano 34 2 (1981) 345-368.
TRABATTONI, F (1988), “La dottrina dell'anima-armonia nel Fedone”: Elenchos 9 (1988) 53-74.
TRABATTONI, F (2015), “La théorie de l’âme-harmonie chez les commentateurs anciens”: Ancient Readings of Plato’s Phaedo. Leiden, Brill, 256–269.
VOGIATZI, M (2020), “Aristotle on the Soul as Harmony”: Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 41, 2 (2020) 245-268.
WAGNER, E (2001), “Supervenience and the Thesis That the Soul Is a Harmonia”: E. WAGNER (ed.). Essays on Plato’s Psychology. Lanham, Lexington Books, 69-91.
YOUNG, D-J (2007), Soul as Structure: Plato and Aristotle on the Harmonia Theory. Cornell, Cornell University.
YOUNG, D (2013), “Does Aristotle Refute the Harmonia Theory of the Soul”: Open Journal of Philosophy 3 (2013) 47-54.
ZANATTA, M (2008), Aristotele, I dialoghi. Milán, Rizzoli.