Jenofonte, Platón y Aristóteles: ¿exhortaciones a qué filosofía?
protréptico, 'kalokagathía', virtude, sabedoria, 'eupraxía', felicidade
As exortações presentes em Memoráveis de Xenofonte, no Eutidemo de Platão e no Protréptico de Aristóteles convidam a uma filosofia que se caracteriza pelo cuidado da virtude, da alma educada, que alcança a sabedoria, que, embora projetada para a natureza e o divino, não é apenas teórica , mas também prático, alcançando a 'eupraxia', que se desenrola no resto das nossas artes, incluindo a política, e na companhia dos amigos, alimentados pelo exemplo de Sócrates, ou do prudente. Este 'kalokagathia' é o campo de uma vida boa a que convida a filosofia, prometendo a felicidade.
ARISTOTELE (2008), I dialoghi, a cura di M. ZANATTA, testo greco a fronte. Milano, BUR.
ARISTOTELIS (1958), Fragmenta selecta, recognov. brevique adnotatione instruxit W. D. ROSS. Wiltshire (England), Oxford University Press.
ARISTOTELIS (1960), Opera, ed. I. Bekker, cur. O. GIGON. Berolini, Walter de Gruyter et socios.
PLATONIS (1946), Opera, recognovit et brevique adnotatione critica instruxit I. BURNET. Oxonii, e Typographeo Clarendoniano.
XENOPHON (2013), Memorabilia. Oeconomicus. Symposium. Apology, greek-english version, trans. by E. MARCHANT, O. TODD, revised by J. HENDERSON. Cambridge, Massachusetts-London, England, Harvard University Press.
AMIT, N. A. (2016), “Xenophon’s Virtue Personified”: Kentron 32 (2016) 137 150.
BEEKES, R. (2010), Etymological Dictionary of Greek. Leiden-Boston, Brill.
BERTI, E. (2004), Aristotele. Dalla dialettica alla filosofía prima con saggi integrativi. Milano, Bompiani.
BOERI, M. (2020), “Filosofía, historia de la filosofía y pensamiento antiguo”: Síntesis. Revista de Filosofía 3/1 (2020) 78-107.
BRISSON, L. – DORION, L.-A. (2004), “Pour une relecture des écrits socratiques de Xénophon”: Les Études philosophiques 69/2 (2004) 37-140.
CHANTRAINE, P. (1968), Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue grecque. Histoire des mots, Paris, Éditions Klincksieck.
GALLAGHER, R. L. (2004), “Protreptic Aims of Plato’s Republic”: AncPhil 24 (2004) 1-27.
HUTCHINSON, D. S. - JOHNSON, M. R. (2005), “Authenticating Aristotle’s Protrepticus”: OSAPh 39 (2005) 193-294.
HUTCHINSON, D. S. - JOHNSON, M. R. (2014), “Protreptic Aspects of Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics”: R. POLANSKY (ed.) (2014), The Cambridge Companion to Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics. USA, Cambridge University Press, 383-409.
KEELING, E. (2020), “Φιλοσοφητέον: One Must Philosophize”: G. SERMAMOGLOU-SOULMAIDI – E. KEELING (eds.) (2020), Wisdom, Love, and Friendship in Ancient Greek Philosophy: Essays in Honor of Daniel Devereux. Berlin - Boston, De Gruyter, 267-281.
LIDDELL, H. G. - SCOTT, R. - JONES, H. S. (1996), A Greek-English Lexicon. Oxford, Clarendon Press.
MEGINO RODRÍGUEZ, C. (2016), “Topics of Aristotle’s Protrepticus in Augustine of Hippo. The Transmission of Cicero and the Context of their Use”: Traditio 71 (2016) 1-31.
MOORE, C. (2019), “Aristotle on Philosophia”: Metaphilosophy 50 (2019) 339-360.
NERES DE SOUSA, L. (2013), “O ideal de kalokagathia em Xenofonte: uma análise dos excessos”, Romanitas. Revista de Estudos Grecolatinos 2 (2013) 231-245.
RIDER, B. A. (2012), “Socrates’ Philosophical Protreptic in Euthydemus 278c-282d”: AGPh 94 (2012) 208-228.
ROSSETTI, L. (2004), “The Sokratikoi logoi as a literary barrier. Toward the identification of a Standard Socrates through them”: V. KARASMANIS (ed.), Socrates 2400 years since his death. Athens, European Cultural Center of Delphi, 81-94.
ROSSETTI, L. (2020), “Socrate, questo sconosciuto”: Peitho – Examina antiqua 1/1 (2020) 13-30.
SEGGIARO, C. (2012), “La relación alma y cuerpo en el Protréptico de Aristóteles: hacia una jerarquización de las ciencias”: Sapere Aude 3 (2012) 176-200.
SMITH, N. D. (2018), “A Problem in Platoʼs Hagiography of Socrates”: Athens Journal of Humanities and Arts (2018) 81-103.
WALKER, M. (2010), “The Utility of Contemplation in Aristotle’s Protrepticus”: AncPhil 30 (2010) 135-153.
ARISTOTELE (2008), I dialoghi, a cura di M. ZANATTA, testo greco a fronte. Milano, BUR.
ARISTOTELIS (1958), Fragmenta selecta, recognov. brevique adnotatione instruxit W. D. ROSS. Wiltshire (England), Oxford University Press.
ARISTOTELIS (1960), Opera, ed. I. Bekker, cur. O. GIGON. Berolini, Walter de Gruyter et socios.
PLATONIS (1946), Opera, recognovit et brevique adnotatione critica instruxit I. BURNET. Oxonii, e Typographeo Clarendoniano.
XENOPHON (2013), Memorabilia. Oeconomicus. Symposium. Apology, greek-english version, trans. by E. MARCHANT, O. TODD, revised by J. HENDERSON. Cambridge, Massachusetts-London, England, Harvard University Press.
AMIT, N. A. (2016), “Xenophon’s Virtue Personified”: Kentron 32 (2016) 137 150.
BEEKES, R. (2010), Etymological Dictionary of Greek. Leiden-Boston, Brill.
BERTI, E. (2004), Aristotele. Dalla dialettica alla filosofía prima con saggi integrativi. Milano, Bompiani.
BOERI, M. (2020), “Filosofía, historia de la filosofía y pensamiento antiguo”: Síntesis. Revista de Filosofía 3/1 (2020) 78-107.
BRISSON, L. – DORION, L.-A. (2004), “Pour une relecture des écrits socratiques de Xénophon”: Les Études philosophiques 69/2 (2004) 37-140.
CHANTRAINE, P. (1968), Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue grecque. Histoire des mots, Paris, Éditions Klincksieck.
GALLAGHER, R. L. (2004), “Protreptic Aims of Plato’s Republic”: AncPhil 24 (2004) 1-27.
HUTCHINSON, D. S. - JOHNSON, M. R. (2005), “Authenticating Aristotle’s Protrepticus”: OSAPh 39 (2005) 193-294.
HUTCHINSON, D. S. - JOHNSON, M. R. (2014), “Protreptic Aspects of Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics”: R. POLANSKY (ed.) (2014), The Cambridge Companion to Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics. USA, Cambridge University Press, 383-409.
KEELING, E. (2020), “Φιλοσοφητέον: One Must Philosophize”: G. SERMAMOGLOU-SOULMAIDI – E. KEELING (eds.) (2020), Wisdom, Love, and Friendship in Ancient Greek Philosophy: Essays in Honor of Daniel Devereux. Berlin - Boston, De Gruyter, 267-281.
LIDDELL, H. G. - SCOTT, R. - JONES, H. S. (1996), A Greek-English Lexicon. Oxford, Clarendon Press.
MEGINO RODRÍGUEZ, C. (2016), “Topics of Aristotle’s Protrepticus in Augustine of Hippo. The Transmission of Cicero and the Context of their Use”: Traditio 71 (2016) 1-31.
MOORE, C. (2019), “Aristotle on Philosophia”: Metaphilosophy 50 (2019) 339-360.
NERES DE SOUSA, L. (2013), “O ideal de kalokagathia em Xenofonte: uma análise dos excessos”, Romanitas. Revista de Estudos Grecolatinos 2 (2013) 231-245.
RIDER, B. A. (2012), “Socrates’ Philosophical Protreptic in Euthydemus 278c-282d”: AGPh 94 (2012) 208-228.
ROSSETTI, L. (2004), “The Sokratikoi logoi as a literary barrier. Toward the identification of a Standard Socrates through them”: V. KARASMANIS (ed.), Socrates 2400 years since his death. Athens, European Cultural Center of Delphi, 81-94.
ROSSETTI, L. (2020), “Socrate, questo sconosciuto”: Peitho – Examina antiqua 1/1 (2020) 13-30.
SEGGIARO, C. (2012), “La relación alma y cuerpo en el Protréptico de Aristóteles: hacia una jerarquización de las ciencias”: Sapere Aude 3 (2012) 176-200.
SMITH, N. D. (2018), “A Problem in Platoʼs Hagiography of Socrates”: Athens Journal of Humanities and Arts (2018) 81-103.
WALKER, M. (2010), “The Utility of Contemplation in Aristotle’s Protrepticus”: AncPhil 30 (2010) 135-153.