Itinerary of Endless Stories: the Odyssey of Living and Dying in Theodoros Angelopoulos’ Eternity and a Day
Homero;, Theodoros Angelopoulos;, nostos;, regresso a casa;, vida e morte;, direitos humanos;
Este artigo examina A eternidade e um dia (1998), de Theodoros Angelopoulos, em contraste com a Odisseia de Homero (VIII a.C.) para discutir como ele reavalia no seu filme um aspeto desse poema muitas vezes ignorado pela maioria dos críticos: a sua abertura. O meu argumento central é que, embora a Odisseia seja normalmente considerada uma história do regresso ao lar, a viagem de Ulisses não termina com a sua chegada a casa, mas com uma viagem longe de casa, um pormenor que o cineasta explora magistralmente de nova maneira na sua narrativa através das motivações pessoais e circunstanciais da personagem principal para a vida como um moribundo.
ANDREW, G. (2001), “Homer’s Where the Heart Is: Ulysses’ Gaze”: D. FAINARU (ed.) (2001), Theo Angelopoulos: Interviews. Jackson, University Press of Mississippi.
AUERBACH, E. (2003), “Ulysses’ Scar”: E. AUERBACH (2003), Mimesis. Transl. W.R. TRASK. Princeton, Princeton University Press.
BORGES, J. L. (1974), Obras Completas. Buenos Aires: Emecé.
BURGESS, J. S. (2009), The Death and Afterlife of Achilles. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press.
CALVINO, I. (1999), “The Odysseys Within The Odyssey”: I. CALVINO (1999), Why Read the Classics?. Transl. M. MCLOUGHLIN. London, Penguin.
ETERNITY AND A DAY (1998), dir. Theodoros ANGELOPOULOS. Greece, Greek Centre of Cinematography (132mins).
FAINARU, D. (2001), “The Human Experience in One Gaze: Ulysses’ Gaze”: D. FAINARU (ed.) (2001), Theo Angelopoulos: Interviews. Jackson, University Press of Mississippi.
FAINARU, D. (ed.) (2001), Theo Angelopoulos: Interviews. Jackson, University Press of Mississippi.
GRODENT, M. (2001), “A Withered Apple: Voyage to Cythera”: D. FAINARU (ed.) (2001), Theo Angelopoulos: Interviews. Jackson, University Press of Mississippi.
HOMER (1919), Odyssey. London, Loeb Classical Library. Available in: Access: 11.09.2021.
HORN, F. (2020), “The Death of Achilles in the Iliad: Motif Transference and Poetic Technique”: Mnemosyne (2020) 1-28.
HORTON, A. (2001), “National Culture and Individual Vision”: D. FAINARU (ed.) (2001), Theo Angelopoulos: Interviews. Jackson, University Press of Mississippi.
NAGY, G. (1979), The Best of the Achaeans: Concepts of the Hero in Archaic Greek Poetry. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press.
NAGY, G. (2005), “The Epic Hero”: J. M. FOLEY (ed.) (2005), A Companion to Ancient Epic. Oxford, Blackwell.
NAGY, G. (2013), The Ancient Greek Hero in 24 Hours. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press.
PHILOSTRATUS, F. (2002), On Heroes. Transl. J. K. B. MACLEAN AND E. B. AITKEN. Atlanta, Society of Biblical Literature.
PINTO, A.P. (2020), “Poetizar as Fronteiras: Homero”: Ágora: Estudos Clássicos em Debate 22 (2020) 11-27.
VILLARO, B. O. (2018), “El Imposible Regreso del Exiliado: Ulises en la Obra de Alberto Manguel”: Ágora: Estudos Clássicos em Debate 20 (2018) 353-376.
AUERBACH, E. (2003), “Ulysses’ Scar”: E. AUERBACH (2003), Mimesis. Transl. W.R. TRASK. Princeton, Princeton University Press.
BORGES, J. L. (1974), Obras Completas. Buenos Aires: Emecé.
BURGESS, J. S. (2009), The Death and Afterlife of Achilles. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press.
CALVINO, I. (1999), “The Odysseys Within The Odyssey”: I. CALVINO (1999), Why Read the Classics?. Transl. M. MCLOUGHLIN. London, Penguin.
ETERNITY AND A DAY (1998), dir. Theodoros ANGELOPOULOS. Greece, Greek Centre of Cinematography (132mins).
FAINARU, D. (2001), “The Human Experience in One Gaze: Ulysses’ Gaze”: D. FAINARU (ed.) (2001), Theo Angelopoulos: Interviews. Jackson, University Press of Mississippi.
FAINARU, D. (ed.) (2001), Theo Angelopoulos: Interviews. Jackson, University Press of Mississippi.
GRODENT, M. (2001), “A Withered Apple: Voyage to Cythera”: D. FAINARU (ed.) (2001), Theo Angelopoulos: Interviews. Jackson, University Press of Mississippi.
HOMER (1919), Odyssey. London, Loeb Classical Library. Available in:
HORN, F. (2020), “The Death of Achilles in the Iliad: Motif Transference and Poetic Technique”: Mnemosyne (2020) 1-28.
HORTON, A. (2001), “National Culture and Individual Vision”: D. FAINARU (ed.) (2001), Theo Angelopoulos: Interviews. Jackson, University Press of Mississippi.
NAGY, G. (1979), The Best of the Achaeans: Concepts of the Hero in Archaic Greek Poetry. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press.
NAGY, G. (2005), “The Epic Hero”: J. M. FOLEY (ed.) (2005), A Companion to Ancient Epic. Oxford, Blackwell.
NAGY, G. (2013), The Ancient Greek Hero in 24 Hours. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press.
PHILOSTRATUS, F. (2002), On Heroes. Transl. J. K. B. MACLEAN AND E. B. AITKEN. Atlanta, Society of Biblical Literature.
PINTO, A.P. (2020), “Poetizar as Fronteiras: Homero”: Ágora: Estudos Clássicos em Debate 22 (2020) 11-27.
VILLARO, B. O. (2018), “El Imposible Regreso del Exiliado: Ulises en la Obra de Alberto Manguel”: Ágora: Estudos Clássicos em Debate 20 (2018) 353-376.