Revelaciones de Pan y Luna: Revisión de la recepción de Virgilio en la época victoriana
Vergílio;, teoria da receção;, época vitoriana;, Alfred Lord Tennyson;, Robert Browning.
A Grã-Bretanha vitoriana concebia Vergílio como uma figura crítica para enten-der a antiguidade, mas também o considerava inferior aos autores da tradição grega. Em finais do século XIX, a obra vergiliana foi reivindicada graças ao auge ideológico do imperialismo inglês. Assim, Tennyson recupera Vergílio para o ler como um poeta dos princípios neoplatónicos próprios da cultura vitoriana. Essa leitura deve ser revista à luz do diálogo que Robert Browning estabelece com a obra de Vergílio no seu poema "Pan and Luna", que promove uma ideia muito mais transgressora do poeta latino.
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COLLINS, John Churton (1891), Illustrations of Tennyson. Londres, Chatto & Windus.
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DAVIES, Vicente Corinne (2006), “Two of Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Pan Poems and Their After-Life in Robert Browning's ‘Pan and Luna’”: Victorian Poetry 44.4 (2006), Elizabeth Barrett Browning, 1806-2006: A Bicentenary Issue, 561-570.
BROWNING, Robert (2007), “Pan and Luna”: Dooley, Allan C. y Ewbank David (eds.) (2007), The Complete Works of Robert Browning. Vol XV. Athens, Ohio University Press, 58-62.
GARCÍA JURADO, Francisco (2015a), Teoría de la tradición clásica. México, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
GARCÍA JURADO, Francisco (2015b), “Tradición frente a recepción clásica: Historia frente a Estética, autor frente a lector”: Nova Tellus 33.1 (2015), 9 36.
HAIR, Donald E. (1974), “Browning’s Pan and Luna: An Experiment in Idyl”: Browning Society Notes, 4. 2 (1974), 3-8.
HARRISON, Stephen (2011), “Virgilian Contexts”: HARDWICKE, Lorna and STRAY, Christopher (eds.) (2011), A Companion to Classical Receptions. Oxford, Wiley Blackwell, 113-126.
HERNÁNDEZ MIGUEL, Luis Alfonso (2008), La tradición clásica. La transmisión de las literaturas griega y latina antiguas y su recepción en las vernáculas occidentales. Madrid, Liceus.
HUGHES, Linda K. (2010), The Cambridge Introduction to Victorian Poetry, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
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O’GORMAN, Francis (2011), The Cambridge Companion to Victorian Culture. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
PORTALE, Rosario (1990), “Tennyson”: Enciclopedia Virgiliana, Roma, Treccani, 104-109.
PORTER, James I. (2011), “Reception Studies: Future Prospects”: HARDWICKE, Lorna and STRAY, Christopher (eds.) (2011), A Companion to Classical Receptions. Oxford, Wiley Blackwell, 469-481.
RICKS, Christopher (1989), Tennyson. Basingstoke, Palgrave MacMillan.
ROSS, David O. (1987), Virgil’s Elements: Physics and Poetry in the Georgics. Princeton, Princeton University Press.
ROGERSON, Anne. I. (2007), “Conington’s Roman Homer”: STRAY, Chris-topher (2007), Oxford Classics: Teaching and Learning 1800–2000. Londres, Bloomsbury, 94–106.
TENNYSON, Alfred Lord (2009), “To Virgil, Written at the Request of the Mantuans for the Nineteenth Centenary of Virgil's Death”: ROBERTS, Adam (ed.) (2009), Alfred, Lord Tennyson: The Major Works. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 457-458.
TURNER, Frank M. (1993), Contesting Cultural Authority: Essays in Victorian Intellectual Life. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
VALLS OYARZUN, Eduardo (2017), Dueños del tiempo y del espanto: genealogía nietzscheana de la narrativa Victoriana. Madrid, Escolar y Mayo.
VANCE, Norman (1997), The Victorians and Ancient Rome. Oxford, Wiley Blackwell.
VANCE, Norman (2015), “Myth and Religion”: HAYNES, Kenneth (ed.) (2015), The Oxford History of Classical Reception in English Literature, vol. 4: 1790-1880. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
VASUNIA, Phiroze. (2013), The Classics and Colonial India. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
ZIOLKOWSKI, Theodore (1993), Virgil and the Moderns. Princeton, Princeton University Press.
COLLINS, John Churton (1891), Illustrations of Tennyson. Londres, Chatto & Windus.
CONTE, Gian Bagio (2007), The Poetry of Pathos. Studies in Virgilian Epic. Oxford, OUP.
CRISTÓBAL, Vicente (2013), “La tradición clásica en España. Miradas desde la filología clásica”: Minerva 26 (2013), 17-51.
DAVIES, Vicente Corinne (2006), “Two of Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Pan Poems and Their After-Life in Robert Browning's ‘Pan and Luna’”: Victorian Poetry 44.4 (2006), Elizabeth Barrett Browning, 1806-2006: A Bicentenary Issue, 561-570.
BROWNING, Robert (2007), “Pan and Luna”: Dooley, Allan C. y Ewbank David (eds.) (2007), The Complete Works of Robert Browning. Vol XV. Athens, Ohio University Press, 58-62.
GARCÍA JURADO, Francisco (2015a), Teoría de la tradición clásica. México, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
GARCÍA JURADO, Francisco (2015b), “Tradición frente a recepción clásica: Historia frente a Estética, autor frente a lector”: Nova Tellus 33.1 (2015), 9 36.
HAIR, Donald E. (1974), “Browning’s Pan and Luna: An Experiment in Idyl”: Browning Society Notes, 4. 2 (1974), 3-8.
HARRISON, Stephen (2011), “Virgilian Contexts”: HARDWICKE, Lorna and STRAY, Christopher (eds.) (2011), A Companion to Classical Receptions. Oxford, Wiley Blackwell, 113-126.
HERNÁNDEZ MIGUEL, Luis Alfonso (2008), La tradición clásica. La transmisión de las literaturas griega y latina antiguas y su recepción en las vernáculas occidentales. Madrid, Liceus.
HUGHES, Linda K. (2010), The Cambridge Introduction to Victorian Poetry, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
JOSEPH, Gerhard. y TUCKER, Herbert. (1999), “Passing on: death”: TUCKER, Herbert (ed.) (1999), A Companion to Victorian Literature and Culture. Oxford, Wiley Blackwell, 110–124.
O’GORMAN, Francis (2011), The Cambridge Companion to Victorian Culture. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
PORTALE, Rosario (1990), “Tennyson”: Enciclopedia Virgiliana, Roma, Treccani, 104-109.
PORTER, James I. (2011), “Reception Studies: Future Prospects”: HARDWICKE, Lorna and STRAY, Christopher (eds.) (2011), A Companion to Classical Receptions. Oxford, Wiley Blackwell, 469-481.
RICKS, Christopher (1989), Tennyson. Basingstoke, Palgrave MacMillan.
ROSS, David O. (1987), Virgil’s Elements: Physics and Poetry in the Georgics. Princeton, Princeton University Press.
ROGERSON, Anne. I. (2007), “Conington’s Roman Homer”: STRAY, Chris-topher (2007), Oxford Classics: Teaching and Learning 1800–2000. Londres, Bloomsbury, 94–106.
TENNYSON, Alfred Lord (2009), “To Virgil, Written at the Request of the Mantuans for the Nineteenth Centenary of Virgil's Death”: ROBERTS, Adam (ed.) (2009), Alfred, Lord Tennyson: The Major Works. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 457-458.
TURNER, Frank M. (1993), Contesting Cultural Authority: Essays in Victorian Intellectual Life. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
VALLS OYARZUN, Eduardo (2017), Dueños del tiempo y del espanto: genealogía nietzscheana de la narrativa Victoriana. Madrid, Escolar y Mayo.
VANCE, Norman (1997), The Victorians and Ancient Rome. Oxford, Wiley Blackwell.
VANCE, Norman (2015), “Myth and Religion”: HAYNES, Kenneth (ed.) (2015), The Oxford History of Classical Reception in English Literature, vol. 4: 1790-1880. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
VASUNIA, Phiroze. (2013), The Classics and Colonial India. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
ZIOLKOWSKI, Theodore (1993), Virgil and the Moderns. Princeton, Princeton University Press.